The Group
The Climate Finance and Policy Group was established in January 2021, following the award of the ERC Starting Grant GREENFIN to Prof. Bjarne Steffen. We investigate options for public policy and for private actors to catalyze finance for new low-carbon technologies. To this end, we study the role of finance (investment, lending, underwriting) for technological change in emissions-intensive sectors like energy and transport, using modelling and data-driven empirical methods.
Our group is part of the Governance section at ETH Zurich's Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS). We are a member of the ETH Energy Science Center (ESC), which links over 60 professors working on clean, affordable, and reliable energy. We are also member of the ETH Institute of Science, Technology, and Policy (ISTP), which is dedicated to supporting public policy-making processes via trans-disciplinary education, research and exchange of information.
We maintain close links to a wide range of academic and institutional partners, as well as companies particularly in the energy and finance sectors.